Friday, July 01, 2005
Hello! My name is Shelley. I am 38 years old and the mother of 2 great kids. My daughter is 14.5 and a full-blown teenage girl. She will be starting high school in August. My son is 15.5mos old, the center of my universe. He is such a joy! Our little guy is my husband's first born. my husband Jeff, could not be a prouder or better father! It took us a long time to become pregnant with Mason, approximately 15mos. It turns out that we have male fertility issues, we discovered this after finally seeking help 6mos into our TTC journey. We went to a fertility clinic and they started IUI's right away......Mason is the product of the 4th IUI attempt (the one we almost didn't do) After 3 failed IUI's, I was ready to give up, move on to IVF....but my husband said, "let's try one more time"....that was the magic cycle!!
After Mason was born, I knew right away that I would want another! Jeff and I didnt try to prevent pregnancy but we weren't "trying" either. In January 2005, we decided that is was time to "try" again. I went to my doctor and she gave me a Rx for clomid.......we did 50mg of clomid for 3 mos with no success. after the 3rd month, my doctor said that we would need to go back to the fertility docs. I was not ready to start that process yet and decided to keep trying on our own. Jeff and I tried for 2 more months, still with no luck. The day my period came after the 5th month trying, I made the decision to get more aggressive.....i wanted another baby! I searched the internet looking for fertility docs closer to our new home (our old one is too far away), I found one and contacted them immediately. They were so nice on the phone and gave me a password to their website, so I could download the paperwork. I got the paperwork, filled it out and sent it in 2 days later (a thurs). I told my husband that I didnt know how long the process would take or when we would get an appt. I guessed that it would happen sometime in July or Aug.
To my complete surprise, I received a phone call the monday after I sent in the paperwork. The clinic wanted to schedule an appt for the following friday....that was just 4 days away!!! We were told that we would need to BD that night and have 4 days of abstinence before the appt. Jeff would be getting a SA and I would be getting a transvaginal sonogram. The day of the appt finally arrived, I was a bundle of nerves, not really sure why. We spent a total of 3 hours at the clinic and the news was not very promising. Jeff's sperm count was low but the main problem was that the motility was only at 5%! Not only did we have the male issues.......now it seems that my age has become an issue too. I ovulated early and it seems that may be a sign for poor egg quality. We wont know for sure until we are able to do some bloodwork next cycle. The doctor recommended that we try 1 cycle of IUI (since we did get preg before with this procedure), but then onto IVF.
So here we are......getting ready to start the roller coaster ride of TTC.....I am now waiting for my period, so that the ride can begin. Once my cycle starts, I will have to go in for cd3 bloodwork and will start 100mg clomid on cd5-9. Sonogram will be around cd8-10, then possible IUI on cd 12!
So we wait.....