Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

more waiting...

I cannot wait until next week!! On Nov 10th, we will have our supression scan, order my meds and do the mock trial! I feel like things will fly after that....Egg retreival will be here before we know it!! I am so nervous and scared, but excited all at the same time. There is also some sadness that sneaks in on occasion..the doubt or possibility that this will not work. This is our last chance (unless we are lucky enough to have some embies to freeze.)I am going to pray, and try to stay positive through all of this, but when reality creeps into my head, and the doc's words "you have about a 35% chance this will work"... it is hard to remain positive! I keep telling myself that the docs percentage is just based on women who are 38 going through this process, it does not take into the fact that I have already given birth to two healthy babies, so we know that I can get pregnant and carry a baby,that has to increase my chances over someone who is 38 and never been pregnant.
I am happy not be taking the BCP's anymore.....good riddens to those!! I had my first episode of night sweats last night from the lupron, but it wasnt major or anything. So all there is to do now is wait for the next appt....need to keep myself busy!! I am thinking of giving this house a good scrub down and start getting the Christmas decorations up!!

posted by Shell at 12:34 PM comment(s) made: 2

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