Friday, January 06, 2006

I wonder what the new year will bring? I never imagined in January 2005, that we would have done IVF by the time the year was over...It was in January that Jeff and I decided "to try again" for another baby...It took us 6months of "trying" before going to the specialist..Here we are a year later, $18k in debt and no baby...hmmm.
We havent talked much about what our plans are for the year...I still have the strong urge of wanting another baby...although most family members and some friends have given the "well you do have 2 beautiful children already"speech. I know that I have 2 great kids, just feel that one more is what will complete our family. Most of my friends and family got to make the decision about "we are done, our family is now complete." We dont feel that our's is complete yet....so I am holding onto some hope that somehow, someway we will be blessed with another child, either through biology or adoption...
New Year's resolutions? well I of course have the #1 favorite of most people, to lose weight....50lbs less would be nice.
I have also resolved to strengthen my spriritual being.... I have been lax(is that a word?) in attending church, so I am planning on attending church more and have signed up to do a mom's bible study. My church offers daily mass during the week (m,w & f mornings) so I attempted to attend this morning...not easy with a 22 mos old btw...the people who attend the daily masses are usually the elderly, I was the only "young" person there and mason was the only child...he has a knack of being loud during silent moments...oops! I apologized to the women beside me after mass and she said she didnt mind, "nice seeing young folk here during the week"..so Mason and I will try again to attend on Monday. Of course, we will attend weekend Mass also, hoping to get the whole family to church...
Wishing only the best for all of my friends and family in 2006!
Praying that my younger brother will stay safe and healthy while serving in Iraq this year..