Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Operation KILL BILL

Ok, well I was hoping that I would have better news, but I went to my sono today and after 3 weeks of BCP's....the cyst (which i have decided to name Bill) has only shrunk a little....ARGH!!! I am so freakin' mad right now!! I enjoyed our little break, but now I am ready to take action, get pregnant! I have to wait for the nurse to call me (she needs to speak with doc) about what to do next. She thought that the doc would have me continue bcp's for a few more weeks.....she didnt know if i was to quit for 5 days, then begin again or to just continue......she also didnt know if it would be 2 or 3 more weeks of bcp's. I know that i shouldn't turn this into a money issue, but it really doesnt cover anything....and each sonogram is $200. So on my "break", I have spent $400 on sono's, $15.00 on bcp's, $400 on meds that are sitting in my bathroom(they are for the actual cycle) is adding up quickly! we dont have the money, so been charging the is so frustrating.......I figured out that since we started this 2 mos ago, we have spent approx $2000.00 and no baby to show for it......the next cycle will be about $1200.00(that is not inclucing any extra sonos to view Bill)....ok, off of my little rant now!! Here is the plan: Everybody send "kill Bill the cyst" vibes.....

posted by Shell at 10:30 AM comment(s) made: 0

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