Friday, September 23, 2005

ok, the 2nd shot is done.....Jeff did a great job mixing, mostly, he was much more confident but got a little carried away at the end of process when he was to mix the fluid with the last vial of powder, he shot the liquid in to quickly, causing bubbles in the solution (which you dont want!) we let the vial sit for awhile (hope that is ok) and the bubbles mostly went away.... I am really doing well with shooting my self.....I never thought I would be able to do such a thing!!! I got advise from another injectible chick, she had to mix 3 vials (we have 2) and had to do the shots 12 days in a row......yikes!! She is now happily pregnant with twins! I am getting excited about the sono on Tuesday!! hoping for several (3 0r 4) nice size eggies!!! Thank you to my wonderful hubby for going through this process with me!!!