Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

IUI #2

With only 1 fat folly and Jeff's very low sperm count today, cant say that I am very positive. The nurse tried to be nice and positive, saying "it has happened before with this low of count" but at the same time, her and I talked realistically about the next cycle....she thinks that the doc will encourage us to do the IVF instead of more IUI's. With the sperm count being as low as it is, it just make sense to do IVF with ICSI (injecting sperm directly into egg). I told her that I had already spoken to Brandi, the IVF coordinator and that I would be contacting her about doing the consult. DH of course is stubborn in the fact he doesnt want to proceed with "plan-making" until we know for sure that this didnt work. So the 2ww begins........

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