Friday, November 25, 2005
I am so glad that my nurse warned me that today's call would be later than all of the others(office very busy)....but even though I knew the call would come in later, it didnt help with the stress.....I have been going crazy all morning!! The call finally came in at 11am.....
Little embie has made it!! ET is scheduled for 7:45am tomorrow morning!! I cannot tell you how relieved and happy I am that at least we now have a chance of becoming pregnant.....we know we have a little fighter on our hands!!
I called my mom and told her and she said that all she kept thinking about this whole week was Little nemo, when all of the eggs got eaten, and little nemo was the only one left.....and he survived....I thought that was a perfect representation of our week.
I think we will call little embie.......Nemo for the rest of the week....the pregnancy test will be 8 days after transfer!