Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Friday, November 18, 2005


Well back from doctors office......finally! Although there are no more follies than the previous scan, they are growing and my uterine lining was 12mm (good) I still have 5 follies on Rt and 2 on the left. The nurse was concerned again with the number and didnt know if the Doc would want to she try to grab the doc to talk to me, instead of me waiting all day to hear... The doc was on her way out to another E/R and quickly looked at my chart and told me that she would like to speak to me if I could wait around. So I did, for 30 minutes in a small consult room, with nothing to read (except the diplomas on the wall)and a box of kleenex on the table. That was torture! I kept cursing my body for not producing enough eggs, yelling at myself for not making Jeff come with me, and had so many thoughts racing through my brain all while trying to keep from bursting into tears. I called Jeff and told him that they are thinking of cancelling IVF and converting to IUI....he just said to call him back when i knew more.

The Doctor finally came back in and sat down to talk to me. She was very straight forward and told me that it was a possibility that if we chose to continue, we may not have any embryos that make it to transfer. She gave me the option of converting to IUI, but I let her know that I didnt think that even though I had 5-6 eggs, that it would be feasible since DH sperm count has gotten so low over the past few months (less than 1 million at last IUI). She agreed with me but wanted to understand that i had that option. We talked about the chances and she stated that we may get at least one embryo that will make it to 5 day transfer....she stated we had a good chance since we know that I can get pregnant. So bottom line~ we are going for it!I am waiting (again) for Brandi to call with my dosage for meds tonight and tomorrow morning. I go back in tomorrow for another u/s and b/w.....should trigger tomorrow night and retreival is (as of now) scheduled for Monday morning!
Looks like I made a mistake in ordering the amount of meds that I did....should probably only ordered 300IU...oh well!

update: Brandi called.
Follistim dosage continue at 225iu tonight and tomorrow morning.
sono & b/w tomorrow @ 7:30am
Trigger tomorrow night!

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