Monday, November 07, 2005
Happy Monday?! Not a phrase generally used!! Anyway it is Monday and I have no complaints, other than the weekend is over....but that just puts us one day closer in our cycle!! We had a really nice weekend, spending Saturday evening with family, and Sunday afternoon with our friends watching the Chiefs beat the Raiders (nothing like winning at the very last second, literally!!)
I have a new love.....although we have absolutely no need for another animal (2 dogs and 1 cat already), I have fallen in love with a new breed of puppies (see pic below!)....the puggle!!! They are the cutest dog I have ever seen! We have a beagle and always wanted a pug, now you can have both!! A puggle is part beagle, part pug!! too freakin' cute!! they are a little expensive and so far I havent found any that are close to us.....but i would love to have one for Christmas!! Ok~ that is totally impracticle, but a girl can dream, right?
Another good thing about today...... my younger brother just called, he is in town for the week and wants to eat lunch with me today!! Havent seen him since July and he is shipping off to Iraq in December (this is so upsetting to the whole family). He is supposed to be in Iraq for a year,ugh! We have gotten fairly spoiled since he has been states bound the past several years and has been here for most every Christmas. This will make this Christmas a little sad! I will have to be good at sending him care packages......
Nothing on the IVF front.....still taking lupron shots, dexamethasone and baby aspirin daily...only a few more days until mock transfer!!