Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Taking some action! Sometimes I feel like all I ever do is whine...reading some of my posts, it is obvious that I do spend a great deal of time whining. Sorry about that... For the year 2006, I have tried to take some action, instead of just complaining all of the time. My resolutions this year were these:
1) Get more spiritual~ improve my relationship with God
2) Get physical(insert Olivia Newton-John song here)~Lose 50lbs in 2006
3) Improve my relationships in general with family, friends and self.

Well I started off slowly, but am making some progress. In order to improve my spirituality, I have started going back to church. I originally tried to attend daily mass as well as weekends, but that only lasted a few sessions! I have been successful in attending weekly mass on a regular basis. I also joined a Mom's bible study~ this has been not so successful but will hopefully improve in the future. The bible study meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday's of the month. It has met for a total of 3x....I have made it to .75 of a meeting. Meeting #1~ took Mason into daycare carrying a piece of granola bar.....5 minutes after being in the bible study, I was called out, daycare stating he "threw-up" and cannot stay. Well actually he gagged himself on the granola bar and was fine, but whatever. Meeting #2~ Mason actually had the flu, we were home with fever. Meeting #3~ took Mason into daycare, 1 hour later, Mason brought to me, stating he had been crying the entire time and they felt he needed his mommy. Mason had a cold and was extremely clingy with me all that week....argh. So like I said before...hoping things will improve during sessions 4-10! On another note~ Jeff and Mason attended church with me on Saturday evening ( better luck getting DH to attend on saturday eve vs sunday morning).

Now onto the "getting physical" part....that has been a very slow start...but as of last thursday, I have worked out 3x in 5 days! I received a 10 day pass to one of the local gyms ( women only kind)and decided to get my butt up there and check it out. I went when Alexis got home from school on the first 2 days, but I felt somewhat guilty, and then had to get home to make this morning I got my big ole butt out of bed at 5:45am and made it to the gym at 6:05am! Returning home around 7am...just in time for Mason to wake up! That actually felt good! I couldnt believe all that I had already accomplished in the day before 7am!! and on a monday!! woohoo~ lets hope that I can keep this up!! Now for the yucky part......$$$, trying to decide if I should join the gym...of course the best deal is if you pay for 2 yrs in advance....but heck, i have only worked out 3x in 5 I really ready for that kind of commitment??? or is it better to pay the $$ each month, as a reminder that My Ass better be getting smaller as that money comes out of the bank....hmmmm....well I have 5 more days on my pass to figure all of that out! Goal#1~ lose 20lbs by May 1st

Lastly but not the least~ improving relationships. I honestly dont think i have done anything on this resolution yet. I think that if I start working on myself, then I will be a much better friend, spouse and mother.

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