Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Friday, July 21, 2006

15wk appt

Finally got to have my appt today. It was with a different doctor so he really didnt give me any answers to my million questions....he was very vague. He did let me hear the heartbeat..although it took quite a while for him to find it (kinda scared me for a moment). He said everything sounds good, he measured me but didnt tell me what I was measuring at.....I asked him about my N/T scan results, he thumbed through my chart and all he would tell me is that everything seemed to be in the normal range....duh, I knew that or they would have called me....I wanted to know the specific numbers! I could see them on the chart but they were too far for me to read them......bummer!!! Not too exciting......have to wait another 4wks until the next appt.

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