Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I have been getting a little nervous about not seeing the doctor until my 13th week... so I called the office. At first the receptionist said "that is how it is supposed to be"...then I explained that I am 39yrs old, and that I was not supposed to be able to conceive on our own because of "old eggs" and that I am nervous having to wait so long for my first exam. She said she would grab my chart and have a nurse call me back....I guess I picked the most popular doctor there...she already has her GYN exams scheduled until next October!
ETA: The receptionist finally called me back and they have switched doctors for me so that I can be seen sooner! I have an appt on 6/23/06! Unfortunately, i now have to see a male doctor, but oh well.....hope he is decent!