Sunday, May 07, 2006
Since we started our TTC journey over 3 yrs ago, I never stopped "hoping" and praying that by some miracle, we would get pregnant on our own. Every month when I would get AF, I would sadly come out of the bathroom and say "no miracle baby this month" and hug my husband. For the past few months, I have been mourning the fact that I would not be able to have another biological child, but at the same time I have been preparing myself for the fact that I would be able to carry the baby, and he/she would have DH's biology. Every day I have prayed to God, "God,please help us complete our family.....anyway you see fit." Well honestly, I never thought I would be making this post but here it is:
We are in total shock!!!! This month, there is a miracle baby! AF was due on Wednesday, she didnt show but I felt rotten and thought she would be arriving anytime. Again, Thursday~ no AF... so after lunch I went upstairs to my bathroom, on the back of my toilet is a full box of tampons, and 1 pregnancy test (left over from several months back)...I decided to use it, cursing the evil pee stick the whole time and telling myself "why are you doing this, why do you torture yourself, it will be negative, like always." But this time as I was staring at it, something strange happened, as the urine ran past the test line, the negative sign(-) became a postive sign (+)!! I sat there in disbelief and then jumped up to get in better light, I had to be seeing things! I stared at it for what seemed forever, then made the call to Jeff...I told him what I had done and that I didnt believe it so I was running to the drugstore to buy more. I did just that...and when i got home, I realized that i didnt have to pee again...."DAMN, I would have to wait!"....so i did, still checking the 1st test to see if I still see the (+), it was strong and still there! Finally I had to pee again and decided to try a digital test, scared to death that the words "not pregnant" would show up and that this was all a cruel joke. But to my amazement...the words we all pray to see showed up "PREGNANT"!!! I called DH and told him the news! Then I sat here trying to figure out what I was supposed to do! Do I call my ob/gyn? Do I call the RE? finally I called my IVF nurse, she had been so nice to me during the IVF, I knew she would know what I should do....after the receptionist finally figured out who I was (there are 3 of us with same name at my clinic and they couldn't figure out why I wanted to talk to the IVF nurse, kept asking me if I was sure i didnt want the donor egg coordinator). I finally got Brandi on the phone, she was in shock when I told her that I had gotten a BFP(big fat positive)..she said I could come in first thing in the am for a beta test!! WOOHOO!! I went in friday morning and later in the day, Brandi called with the news....Congrats, you are definetly pregnant!!! HCG= 234, Progesterone=24...perfect numbers! I go in again on Monday for 2nd beta, then u/s around 5/22!!!
OH Yeah~ on the same day, I went to the mailbox and in it was a profile for our donor egg IVF!!! My name is now off of the list!