Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

We are officially on the list!!!! The RE nurse called on Friday(3/31) to tell us that they received our information and so we are on the list to be matched with a donor. Of course it will take about 4-6 mos (ARGH)...but at least we have a starting point! I have to go to the doctor and have a annual exam and even have a mammogram before we could proceed I have scheduled the exam. I will have my GYN give me a referral for the mammogram. She gave me one last year but I blew it off, since I didnt feel it was needed yet (I was getting ready to turn 38).....

So we havent even been on the list a week yet and knowing it will take a minimum of 4mos.....why am I already feeling antsy??? I am such a fool! Well, to keep my mind off of things, I have stepped up my weightloss goals.....I am working out and joined a Women's walking group. hopefully there will be a lot less of me by the time we get the donor match!!!

posted by Shell at 2:30 PM comment(s) made: 1

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