Monday, April 10, 2006
Weekends do not last long enough!
Latest dilemma~ finally recieved a call back from the lawyers office (yeah, left 2 messages over 2 weeks ago). Suprisingly, she called me back on a saturday. Unfortunately I was out shopping with my teen. Here is the news...my case has been turned back to them due to some "deficiencies".....the administrator for the lawsuit is asking for pharmacy records for 5 yrs prior to my "illness.".....well #1, I had a hard time remembering where I got Rx filled over the years...I gave them all of the info I could. I decided to head to a few places today to see if I could get some records.....well here is the problem: KS law requires pharmacies to keep records for 7 yrs .......the administrator want my records from 1995-2000....the pharmacies that I went to today only have records from 1999 on......YOWZA! I went ahead and requested records (again) for the dates that the admin wants.....they will just have to accept it if I cannot get records prior to 1999......BTW~ I had already attained some records from 1997-2000 the first time they asked for the records. The lawyers office is going to talk to them about the dilemma and get back with me when she can. Also she stated that the "rumor" is payouts will come "maybe" in June.... ( YEAH, RIGHT)