Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I am not a very patient has been 1 month since we were placed on the waiting list, the list that is supposed to take 4 to 6 mos, 3 mos until we can even expect anything....yet I cant help but drive myself crazy!  I was given a list of requirements that we needed to have done before we could proceed when it comes time.  Annual gyn exam, mammogram and Jeff's genetic testing~ ALL DONE! the only thing that I still need to do is have my gyn doc send over the results to the RE.....that will happen at the end of this week (they need time to have all results in my file).  If I was this efficient with the rest of my life, I would be at a decent weight, my house would be clean, and our finances would be in perfect order.......for some reason, I cant apply my efficiency to the other aspects of my life......maybe I need the RE to tell me: You need to lose 50lbs, have a clean house and no debt before we can proceed......hmm, maybe that is the motivation that I need.

I have been trying to lose weight, something that is not very easy for me.......I have been working out 2-3 times a week, walking 2x a week.......and yesterday I started (should I dare say it) a "diet" is the curves 6 week diet, (err )life eating plan......hopefully I will have some "progress" to report over the next several weeks.

Alexis starts softball tonight, I like watching her dont start until end of May.  She is a little nervous, she has played softball on the same team since Kindergarten (7 out of 12 girls were from the original k-garten team last year!)This year she is going to be playing on a local team (since we moved last summer), we dont know who is on the team (hopefully she will know someone), we dont know the coach and we dont know the  league. I am hoping that it is still a fun season for her. School will be out in just a!  She is going to be pretty busy this summer, so my plans of a babysitter are pretty nil. 

Here are her plans for summer:

weights and conditioning Mon-thurs~ 9-11:30

Open gym Mon & Wed  11:30-1pm

Volleyball camp June 12-16~ 12:30-3:30

Drivers Ed starting at end of June 7-9am (mon-fri) for 3 weeks, plus a few afternoons through the week of driving time.


Plus a few single daytime volleyball camps spread out over the summer.

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