Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

5 weeks.......only 35 to go!

LOL!! today I am officially 5 weeks pregnant!! I am still over the moon and still trying to convince myself that it is for real. I had my 2nd beta test on Monday, results were good! HCG=946! Said my numbers were climbing nicely so I didnt need anymore bloodtests. I am scheduled for an U/S on 5/22 to see the heartbeat......I think that will be when I can actually really believe it! 2 days ago, the nausea started....the kind where you think "if I eat, I will feel better"...I have never had "morning sickness" with my other 2 pregnancies, so I doubt I have it this time, but who knows. I am trying to stick to my diet, although I am not restricting my calories....the diet says you can have 1600 calories a day... I am trying to keep it around 2000....hopefully I wont gain my normal 50lbs during this pregnancy! Unfortunately, I just read that weightgain during pregnancy is usually a genetic there are those cute little preggos who struggle to gain 15lbs during the 9 months and there is me.....oh well, i dont care at this point...just want a healthy baby!! I have not found a new ob/gyn yet.....I really hate having to get a new one, I love my doc, but now that we have moved, I have to find someone nearer to us. Oh, I forgot to mention the due date: January 10, 2007!

Other news~ heading down to Texas tomorrow. My lil' bro is home from Iraq for 2 weeks, so Mason and I are driving down with my other brother and his wife for the weekend. Should be interesting....driving 12 hours with Mason!!

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