Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

No ordinary day.......

Not sure why today has been chosen as a key day in my life, but it has. Seems the Cosmos have plans for my family this day. It is a full moon, maybe that is contributing....a lot of aspects of our lives will be affected by decisions made today, by learning about God's plans for us today. Today should be an ordinary Wednesday, I should just be posting about being 18 wks pregnant (Wahoo!) Instead, I was up most of the night tossing and turning and praying about what today would bring.
On this extraordinary day we will learn the following:

1)The results of my brother and his dear wife's pregnancy test...this is their 2nd IVF attempt....they have put so much heart and soul into making this cycle a success. 4 little embies were placed into her uterus and we are praying that 1 or more of them have decided to attach and grow.....sadly it did not work. My prayers are with my brother and his wife.

2)A judge in California will be deciding the fate of a beautiful 2 yr old girl. A few short weeks ago, I learned that my cousin's daughter will most likely be placed for adoption. I urgently called social workers in Los Angeles, trying to get them to realize that this precious child has family in Kansas City, willing to care and love her. The social worker basically told me that I was getting involved too late and she was recommending her staying with the foster parents. Because the worker was leaving the case and a new worker would be assigned, it seems they didnt want to "add" complications to the case (in my opinion). Not settling on this answer, I wrote a heart-felt letter to the Judge presiding over the case...asking her to consider placing the child with us. We just want the chance to be her family. Today is the court hearing....hoping to learn the decision later this afternoon.
Found out that the court hearing wasnt scheduled till this afternoon (PST)so have to wait a few more hours to hear anything.

3)A few coaches will decide the fate of my child's high school athletic career (ok, sounds more dramatic than it is....but to her, it is everything). Alexis bravely worked out hard on the 2nd day of tryouts, giving it her all, even though her ankle is still in a brace (see the post below), today they have 3 more hours of tryouts, then the decision will be made (although it is rumored that the coach has already hand-picked his team)...all I can do is hold my breath for her. I have tried to "prepare" her for the possibility of not making the team....but it doesnt make it any easier, if it happens. Tryouts end at 6pm (cst)

4)My mom is having major dental work today....just hoping she heals quickly

5) Today is my best friends birthday......Happy Birthday CG!!!

So I wait....having no control over any of the above decisions/fates....better keep myself busy!!! I will update as I learn new things today!

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