Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Monday, August 28, 2006


Well it seems that I haven't been a very good girl and forgot to keep myself hydrated. I started having contractions on Saturday night (not painful, but still contracting)it lasted until Sunday morning. I finally called the doctor and they sent me to Labor and Delivery. I just hadnt drank enough fluids and my body was yelling at me. They checked my cervix and sent us home about 1.5 hours later. I drank water all day, like a good girl. At 10pm, during my 100th trip to the bathroom of the day, I saw some blood.....I totally flipped out. Never in my pregnancies have I ever had any spotting....I quickly got Jeff and then made another call to the doctor.....she reassured me that the spotting was just from them checking my cervix earlier in the day. So although they havent officially put me on restrictions, she said to take it easy over the next few days, and call if I have anymore issues. YIKES!

posted by Shell at 8:38 AM comment(s) made: 3

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