Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Message from God?

Well I was feeling quite numb after the IUI experience on Saturday, I wanted to feel sad, but I couldn't cry....I decided that things were just not meant to be. Maybe it was a sign that I should just be happy with the 2 wonderful children I have, maybe we werent meant to have another...maybe we were just waisting time and money. I truly felt that God was putting me through some sort of test....well later in the day, I went to the mailbox and in it were 2 items:

1) a book that I won at a chat over a month ago, titled.....INFERTILITY ( a survival guide) (so long ago that I forgot about it!)

2) a loving "thinking of you" card from a sweet older lady who I told my story to over a week ago, just wanted to let me know that I was in her prayers and she hoped the fertility treatments worked for us... this woman barely knows me, she has met me 2x in my new womens group.

Guess I should take this as some sort of sign to not lose faith......if not this time, it will happen. After receiving these two items, a sense of peace literally swept over me.......I am more at peace and know that God will bring us down the right path.....I just wish he provided instructions and a map!!! I am not going to obsess this next few weeks like normal........whatever will be, will be.....

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