Sunday, November 27, 2005
for those of you who dont know IVF lingo.....the title means 1 day past a 5 day transfer! I have been laying in bed for the past 2 days...watching a bunch of holiday movies as well as a True Hollywood Story marathon......only getting up a few times to eat, get a different view and to stretch my legs. The transfer went well, very quick and painless procedure....they gave me valium before the transfer to relax me...after everything was done, had to lay there for an hour...the valium helped me sleep. The only thing the doc said to us about this whole thing was that we should be "cautiously optimistic"....she said we should be encouraged since our little embryo made it so far and that I had a pregnancy in the past 2 years. Although last week was the longest and most stressful week in history, I think this week will be a close second! At least last week, i got a daily phone call stating that things were going ok...this week will be a wait and see week! The pregnancy test will not be until Monday 12/5! The doctors and nurses "discourage" POAS at home but I know that I will not be able to wait a full 8 days without a hint of knowing if we have a chance or not. I actually POAS today to see if the HCG trigger shot was out of my system, and it whenever I decide to test, if it is a positive,I will know for sure that it is real. Please Lord, let me stay calm and stress-free throughout this week!