Shell's Journey

For anyone who has ever struggled to have a baby, knows that this is an emotional rollercoaster! Thanks for sharing the ride with us!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Worn out!

Yesterday was a very busy day.....and poor Teagan is down right tuckered!!! We went to a baby shower, she did awesome..she did manage to take a little nap on Grandma for a short while. I was hoping that she would sleep on the 1hr ride back home, but no such luck. As soon as we got home, we loaded daddy and Mason in the van and headed out to Uncle Jeff's to watch KU basketball (Go Jayhawks!).....there were lots of kids to play with at their house, so she was very busy chasing after people. She finally fell asleep on the way home (about 10:30pm)...but woke up when we pulled into the garage. I gave her some milk and down she about 10:45pm.....we did not hear a peep from her until 10am!!! She went back down for a nap at 1pm; it is now after 3 and she is still snoozing!!
Feel bad for her, but pretty darn happy that I have kids that can be flexible enough without going into total toddler terror mode!!

I will post some pics from the week shortly ......promise.

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